Concept: To create an engaging and informative vitrine display for Melbourne Metro’s new Arden train station.
The display will work to showcase the artifacts found from archaeological digs conducted at the site, serving as a reference to the historical significance of the location prior to when the train station was established.
Inspired by stratigraphy and levels of the Earth in which the artefacts were found.
Explanation of design
When designing the vitrine I first considered the types and sizes of the artefacts that will be on display. With a mix of glass bottles and smaller ceramic pieces, I wanted to play with levels to help build interest in addition to ensuring that the smaller items were still highlighted. I was also inspired by the idea of stratigraphy where archaeologists will look at the different levels of Earth in which artefacts are found to help date them.
Taking into consideration the cleaning, maintenance and longevity of the vitrine was essential which is why design choices concerning how the items were to be stored behind acrylic, that the case would be easily accessible for staff, and that items could be swapped for different exhibitions. Overall the design of the vitrine adds to the modern and clean look Melbourne Metro Tunnels wants to achieve.
Wayfinding experience
As one ascends or descends the escalators at the train station they will quickly notice the attractive vitrine display beside them. This strategic placement near the escalators ensures that it becomes an integral part of the wayfinding experience. The display’s proximity to the escalators creates a natural focal point, drawing the attention of commuters and visitors alike.
By positioning the vitrine display in this prominent location, it becomes a memorable landmark that aids in remembering the station’s location. Passengers can easily associate the display with the station, making it a useful reference point when navigating the bustling train system.